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Harriet Bremner-Pinckney

2023 Award Winner NZ

Harriet is a farmer at Jericho Station, Southland, a children's book author, and the founder and director of Gurt and Pops Ltd.

Harriet has always lived in rural New Zealand and is passionate about the industry especially when it comes to health, safety and wellbeing. Harriet is determined to change the conversation around Health and Safety within rural communities.

Harriet has spent the last four years running her business, changing her career to farming, farming and until recently, working for Safer Farms, where she was able to start spreading her message. In 2021 she was awarded the Rural Women NZ Rural Champion Award.

Harriet also has her own podcast The Raw Truth - sharing authentic stories to normalise conversations around grief, trauma, and mental health.

"The Zanda McDonald Award really does deliver the goods. So much learning has been done, lots of laughs, and new life long memories made. If you are thinking about applying for the award, stop thinking and just do it! It's the most incredible once in a lifetime experience that builds you a lifetime network of connections and new friends that feel like family"

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